
Cantey Hanger’s roots go back 143 years to where the West began, in the booming frontier town of Fort Worth Texas. Talented trial attorneys Samuel Benton Cantey and William Capp formed the firm and were joined in 1905 by William Hanger, a criminal court attorney who also served as a state senator.

From its earliest days, the firm has grown hand in hand with Texas, and as change accelerates, we are boldly charging forward to a vibrant future, helping Texas enterprises of all sizes grow and thrive.

Cantey Hanger now operates throughout Texas, with offices in Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, and Ellis County. Now and in the future, we remain dedicated to investing both our talents and our hearts to the goals of our clients and the betterment of our communities.

Our History of Locations

Click through our interactive map to learn more about each one of our locations.

Dallas Office

Dallas. A world-class city, Dallas is known around the globe as a hub in virtually every major economic sector. Cantey Hanger has been a fixture in the downtown legal community, supporting industry players and disrupters alike. We are proud to be a part of the glittering Dallas skyline, charging into the future with our established clients and new ones to come.

Fort Worth Office

Fort Worth. Our roots run as deep as those of the legendary city where we were founded in 1882. From the foundation built by William Capps and Samuel Benton Cantey, we grew into a respected full-service law firm with a reputation as formidable litigators and counselors. Our headquarters are on the west side of downtown in a beautiful plaza that bears our name—where Fort Worth’s finest still can be seen on horseback patrol. Buoyed by this legacy, we continue to move into the future with clients who are household names and innovative upstarts.

Austin Office

Austin. Back in 1881, the first-built state Capitol burned, and James Baird Smith was tasked with the rebuild of what we now know as the Texas White House. In the intervening decades, Austin has transformed from a quiet state capital into an economic juggernaut, attracting talent and investment from across the country. From its office in The Smith House, Cantey Hanger continues its decades-old presence in Austin, drawing on relationships with regulators and legislators to forward the interests of clients across numerous industries, including energy, health care, aviation, and financial services.

Ellis County Office

Ellis County. Cantey Hanger’s presence in Ellis County is a new and exciting development, with a location steeped in the area’s history. Cloma Trotter, the first woman mayor of Midlothian, along with her husband, Clyde, lived in the beautiful Arts and Crafts home until their deaths, when they bequeathed it to the Salvation Army. Today it is our privilege to be stewards of this lovely historic dwelling as we lead and support clients experiencing the expansive growth of Ellis County.

Fort Worth
Ellis County