
16 Cantey Hanger Attorneys Honored by Peers as Top Attorneys

Sixteen Cantey Hanger attorneys have been recognized by peers in the annual 360 West Magazine Top Attorney edition for July. 360 West Publisher Jerry Scott said approximately 6,700 votes were cast. The Cantey Hanger honorees: Scott Fredricks, Commercial Litigation Brian Singleterry, Commercial Litigation Philip Vickers, Commercial Litigation Andy Keetch, Construction Douglas Clayton, Corporate Finance Mergers …

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The Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on Child Custody: Must I Exchange My Child for Summer Visitation?

Amid the rapidly evolving coronavirus pandemic, parents who share custody of their children continue to face new challenges. In a time where stay-at-home orders, social distancing, working from home, and travel restrictions have become the new norm, parents are looking for guidance on how to handle issues relating to possession and access of their children. …

The Continuing Impact of COVID-19 on Child Custody: Must I Exchange My Child for Summer Visitation? Read More »

Cantey Hanger Partner Valdez Accepted to Prestigious Group

FORT WORTH, TX –Ryan Valdez, a Partner with Cantey Hanger LLP, has been accepted as a member of the international Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel. It is an “inspired community of vetted defense counsel (and) exceptional leaders.” Valdez is an experienced trial and appellate lawyer representing Fortune 500 companies, locally-owned and regional businesses, and …

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Snap Removals: The Fifth Circuit Opens Federal Courts to Quick-Removing Diverse Defendants

The federal removal statutes preclude a case from being removed if a local defendant has been “properly joined and served.”  28 USC § 1441(b)(2).  When, however, a defendant removes a case to federal court before a local defendant has been served, it is typically referred to as a snap removal.  Last month the Fifth Circuit …

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Bankruptcy Changes in the CARES Act

In March 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”).  The CARES Act contains provisions which affect Chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy debtors, as well as debtors proceeding under the new form of small business bankruptcy created by the Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (“SBRA”).  SBRA, which took …

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Governor Abbott Begins to Reopen Texas: Key Provisions in the Governor’s Latest Orders

On April 27, 2020 Governor Greg Abbott hosted a press conference at which he announced “Phase I” of a three phase plan to reopen businesses across the state, and begin relaxing restrictions put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.  At the press conference, the Governor issued three executive orders which mark the first …

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Healthcare Providers: Key Considerations before Accepting Provider Relief Funds

On April 10, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) started distributing $30 billion of the $100 billion in funds appropriated under the CARES Act’s Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (the “Relief Fund”) to healthcare providers. On April 22, 2020, HHS announced that it would begin distributing an additional $20 …

Healthcare Providers: Key Considerations before Accepting Provider Relief Funds Read More »

Texas Executive Order GA-16:  COVID-19 and “Re-opened services”

With the issuance of Executive Order GA-16, Texas has started to loosen the COVID-19-related restrictions on certain business operations.  Beginning on April 24, 2020, retail services that are defined as “reopened services” will be allowed to operate.  “Reopened services” are “retail services that are not ‘essential services,’ but that may be provided through pickup, delivery …

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Eight-Corners and Extrinsic Evidence: Never… Sometimes… Maybe?

This article appears online at published on April 21, 2020. The eight-corners rule is an obvious, self-explanatory rule.  It says what it means, and it means what it says, right? Maybe.  It’s complicated. Under the eight-corners rule, an insurer’s duty to defend its insured is determined by comparing the claims asserted in the “four …

Eight-Corners and Extrinsic Evidence: Never… Sometimes… Maybe? Read More »

Questions Businesses Ask their Attorneys During a Crisis, a TechFW TechNest Webinar

Cantey Hanger Partner and Chair of the firm’s Business, Tax and Estates section, Doug Clayton, is participating in Tech Fort Worth’s TechNest Webinar.  His presentation will be “Questions Businesses Ask their Attorneys During a Crisis” to be given via Zoom Conference on April 14, 2020 at 4:30 pm.  Click here to register for this virtual …

Questions Businesses Ask their Attorneys During a Crisis, a TechFW TechNest Webinar Read More »

SBA Paycheck Protection Program under the CARES Act

On March 27, 2020, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”). Under the CARES Act, small businesses, sole proprietorships, independent contractors, and self-employed individuals may apply for loans administered by the Small Business Association’s (“SBA”) Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”). The SBA launched a CARES Act webpage (, and …

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Essential 2.0: Governor Abbott Issues Statewide Order

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued Executive Order GA-14, which became effective today, April 2, 2020.  This order adopts the definition “essential services” from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce, Version 2.0” but also adds religious services to the list of allowed activities.  Notably, this statewide definition of …

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Breaking Down the COVID-19 Loan Programs: Economic Injury Disaster Loan versus Paycheck Protection Program

On March 25, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott announced that the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) had included the state of Texas in its Economic Injury Disaster Declaration, thereby paving the way for small businesses to access the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”) Program. The EIDL program has been around for a while, but was only …

Breaking Down the COVID-19 Loan Programs: Economic Injury Disaster Loan versus Paycheck Protection Program Read More »

Are Businesses Due Compensation for Damages Caused by Stay-at-Home Orders Resulting from COVID-19?

 As the threat of COVID-19 virus spreads, local governments throughout North Texas ordered many businesses—such as retail, restaurants, bars, gyms, and hair salons—to close. With these protective measures comes unemployment, unpaid bills, and possibly bankruptcy. This expansion of government power leads to the question of whether the government is correspondingly responsible for their orders’ economic …

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